Sunday, February 9, 2020

Why do I feel torn?

Happy Sunday, my day starts out. Coffee, animal and personal care goes well. The tweens are even ready in time for church. The message and socializing is all I need. I told the tweens to eat with everyone while I attended a Healing Session. The love and energy from everyone particpating really works. I felt great. Even walked down the steps with my cane on my arm. Ok, so I'm in Euphoria and relief of some pain. Well, then back into reality. The kiddo and an old friend I'd been talking to are going nuts on me. Trying to blame me for their bad feelings on other decisions that do not even include me. So, what is the problem? What is my part in all this? I just don't get it. Block, delete and sit in my car instead of entering my house, o, yeh right, I am to give give give without replenishing myself? I think not. Anyway, I have plans and I am not going to let anyone, not even myself, into not following my dreams. Yeh, right? God, me, then family, then work, then others? I think that is the best priority list I have had in along time. Blessings and Happy Valentines, if I don't blog about it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mason , it's been a long time , Am Akoms Akoms on Facebook, i have been trying to connect with you but there the space to click on friend request wasn't open by you and I will if I can receive or read from you on or I'd I have your WhatsApp number
