Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Balance in life - What I am doing to look decent at 50

I made a FB post in my bathing suit recently. Since then I have been receiving multiple requests of my 'recipe' of what I am doing to look so good. Of course, I don't feel it; but all the compliments do make me think twice about it.

I have decided to eat only real food. No processed. No fast food. No pork. Watch my fat intake and when I do need fat in my diet I do it early enough in the day to work it through my body. I concentrate on what minerals and vitamins my medical conditions need help with. I want my food to be my medicine instead of all the pills we have in the USA.

I walk every chance I get; because I do not want to end up back into a wheelchair. I do 10 minute burst of housework like my exercise at least 5-6 times a day. The pool is perfect for people with bone and joint problems.

I meditate myself to skinny. I've always been a large person, yet very normal size now. Feels weird but if it will help others contact me at Please use subject line "MOI-blog" and I will respond ASAP.

One change at a time. God bless and be kind to yourself. It really does work.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Our well-balanced justice system

I cannot help but to share this. The town I live in no  name USA (for privacy issues) issued me a concealed firearms license within the same day as indicting me for an alleged felony. Same office. Same Clerk's signature.

Now, I am on Jury Duty and still have not resolved the issue about the alleged felony charge. All of it is very crazy because I do consciously act and speak in respect to all those concerned and I think before I react, (at least most of the time); therefore, this charge is insane because it is against everything I work, teach, and live for. Truth, ethics, consideration and respect for others is what it's about; but just to let you know this does happen. Would love some responses, or guidance of authorities I could report this too because it is making me feel like a total hypocrite. And its not me, but the city officials. Hmmmm?

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

We are ... I am!

I have seen freedom taken from people in just a split second. Sometimes of their own decision and some not, just them being in or around the same area of unfortunate situations. Learning more about the Divine that we are created under and the human part of us just being the conduit as to the world we are placed in. Wow, what we can enjoy.

Today the public pool. In the middle of the  park. I closed my eyes and just listened. I felt with my body and skin. My soul. My mind and heart open to answers that we are promised to have when we are born - we are given everything we need. So, why don't I see the answer to clear up matters that are not comfortable in my life? Well, it brings me closer to the practice with the divinity I am created under. I am. I am. I am.

Not I do. Human being; not human doing. I was made to enjoy every little flower on this earth. Every human I come in contact with. Every sound I am allowed to hear. Every breath I am consciously (and subconsciously) given. Some labored due to dis-ease. So, what is it that will put me at ease for healing? Another breeze of God's wonderful breath of fresh air across my shoulders, face, chest, legs, feet, ears. Every part of my body soaks in the energy from the birds, the water, the people, the sounds, the senses, all the above and more. I pray it will not be taken from me anytime soon.

If you pray, please pray for me to become a more enlighten being. So, I can become what I am suppose to be. Doing the things that get me there are part of the world. Yes, we must deal with the material world while here but we are far more than worldly doings.

We are. I am. Soul.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


It has been awhile so I am having trouble getting back into my other blogspots - and I will hope to change over all social media, business cards and any ads that have this need for change on them.

Technologically depleted, yet people oriented.
We love people. We love to help those that try to help themselves and may have stumbling blocks.
We all do at times in our lives. Sharing and talking about it really opens up our spirit space so we may think on what is mine to do and what is mine to let go and let God. Now, we are human beings, NOT human doings. Let's work off this foundation for now.
