Recovery? Recovery from what? Well, anything that has become a part of your life that holds you back from living the Universal/Godly law of prosperity. Freedom of one's self is the best explanation. Most OCD sufferers, manic depressive, chronic depressed, deeply disturbed; yet highly functional enough to fool others. Well, we are "as sick as OUR secrets." Granted most of us become able to be completely honest with ourselves yet when challenged under an unclear intent and confidences have not been formed yet; it is not as easy to just respond to that challenge. Good questions. No patience for a true answer. Whoever experiences this? Well, I enjoy a good mental challenge but yet I also need to be able to answer on my own timing. Maybe a sign. A sign to not play. No one's fault. Things have happened that has affected my physical response times. Its only different. Maybe it was given to me as a vetting process, as well.
ReCovery. To see self through. Recovery is never, ever done alone. The need to recover was probably done by ourselves but the Recovery, NO! It's always a We Recover. No doing it by yourself. This requires us to learn and relearn in order to proceed through our basic steps of all main religions. Given to us by the all mighty God creator. Presented to the entire world in so many different ways. Realize I have a problem and I need help from God. Do the steps necessary to clean up my insides by forgiving myself and others. Reflecting all this to a source I can trust not to judge my wrong doings and the ways I really would like to become with God's help. Most may have to say God's help through others because they've never had others to help them and this is new so they really want to see if it will work. Maintenance - learn what triggers my behaviors that make me need to amend with others. Change my actions so I won't be making the same mistakes over and over. Then praise God for a grateful way of living. Really learn how to live now since I've moved away from what it was in the first place that landed me in Recovery.
The world loves a reconstruction, recovery story. Coming through a hell of some sort then finding their way to peace love and guidance for others to get through there own hell. More TBA...
¿Recuperación? ¿Recuperación de qué? Bueno, todo lo que se ha convertido en una parte de tu vida que te detiene de vivir la ley universal/piadosa de la prosperidad. La libertad de uno mismo es la mejor explicación. La mayoría de los enfermos de TOC, maníaco depresivo, crónico depresivo, profundamente perturbado; pero lo suficientemente funcional como para engañar a otros. Bueno, estamos "tan enfermos como nuestros secretos. " conCedió a la mayoría de nosotros ser capaces de ser completamente honestos con nosotros mismos sin embargo, cuando se desafía bajo una intención confusa y las confidencias no se han formado todavía; no es tan fácil responder a ese desafío. Buenas preguntas. No hay paciencia para una respuesta verdadera. ¿Quién experimenta esto? Bueno, disfruto de un buen desafío mental, pero también necesito ser capaz de responder en mi propio tiempo. Tal vez una señal. UNA señal para no jugar. Nadie tiene la culpa. Han sucedido cosas que han afectado mis tiempos de respuesta física. Es diferente. Tal vez se me dio como un proceso de investigación, también.
Recuperación. Para ver a sí mismo a través. La recuperación nunca se ha hecho sola. TH